Meditation & Mindfulness Classes

Experience the remarkable benefits of mindfulness and meditation classes designed specifically for employees. 

These valuable skills are accessible to everybody, empowering individuals to cultivate a sense of inner peace and mental well-being while providing employees with the tools to thrive in all areas of life.

Our Classes

Experience the versatility of our classes, designed to cater to your specific needs and bring a sense of focus, clarity, tranquility, and relaxation to your workday.

Whether you’re looking to develop a more positive work environment, or moments of calm during a busy day; our classes teach and deliver valuable tools to cultivate mental well-being and achieve a harmonious balance in life.

Circle of people in yoga class, sat on bolsters

Introduction to Mindfulness & Meditation 

This workshop introduces mindfulness/meditation & its many benefits. Effective techniques to help manage stress and introduce more awareness, calm and resilience into your day.


Workplace Wellness Session

A well-rounded practice for every-BODY, with guided meditation & mindfulness practices combined with office stretches, breathing &  relaxation techniques that can be practiced anywhere & anytime.

Workplace Wellbeing Session




Meditation and Mindfulness Practices

The perfect check in with short guided meditation classes. Ideal as 10, 15, or 30 minute sessions to refresh your team during conferences or throughout the day as part of a regular practice.




6 Week Meditation Course

Cultivate the skills to set up a personal meditation practice & learn practical techniques in regular meditations to bring more mindfulness & clarity to your day.

The benefits of meditaton